Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
CBS Undergraduate Exam Series Microbiology for Nurses
CBS publisher |
Books |
1 |
Certified Nurse Educator Review Book: The Official NLN Guide to the CNE Exam
Natl League for Nursing Pr |
Books |
1 |
Charlotte's Web
Harper COllins |
Books |
16 |
Clinical Audit
Books |
1 |
Clinical Companion : Medical-Surgical Nursing
Elsevier |
Books |
2 |
Clinical Medicine
W.B Saunders |
Books |
1 |
Clinical Nurse Educator Competencies: Creating an Evidence-Based Practice for Academic Clinical Nurse Educators (NLN)
National League for Nursing |
Books |
1 |
Clinical Simulations in Nursing Education: Advanced Concepts, Trends, and Opportunities (NLN)
National League for Nursing |
Books |
1 |
Clinical skills manual for maternal and child nursing care
Pearson |
Books |
4 |
Colour Atlas of Histopathology
Books |
1 |